Guest Post by Manaswita Ghosh: Five Ways to Unwind After Work
In this age of all work and no play, it often becomes impossible for the ever exhausted millennial
to unwind after work. The nature of our jobs often leaves us with no time for ourselves after a
long day, when the only suitable way you unwind is by hitting the bed early. But if you are
looking for ways to relax your tired body and mind in true sense, you need to look beyond your
bed. Here are some helpful tips to get you through the week:
1 . Draw a long, hot bath: Perhaps the easiest way to beat the heat and all that
accumulated stress is by immersing yourself in a splash of aromatic oils and warm water
in the comfort of your home. You can go for aromatherapy regularly, it has been known
to calm anxiety and eradicate depression. Water, on the other hand, has a calming affect
on your body and soul. The two make a perfect combination for the workaholic in you.
2. Read a book: An idle mind is the devil’s workshop. I have often found that the easiest
way to get away from the stress in your world is by losing yourself in another. Pick a
genre you like, and rewind yourself with a great book and a mug of hot coffee. The point
is to de-stress yourself mentally and books are a great way to do just that. You will not
only learn something new everyday by this simple act of reading after work, you will
notice yourself less stressed as days go by.
3. Cook: Your kitchen can be your workstation after a hectic day, but with a creative twist
that your job may not be offering you. Cooking helps you calm down, make decisions in
a systematic manner and soothe your nerves because you focus on the chores in front
of you than anything else. If you live alone and have a penchant for food, you can begin
with experimenting in the kitchen and work your way up gradually.
4. Organize your living space: A chaotic home leads to a chaotic mind, and no good can
come out of a chaotic mind. If you do not have the time to clean your home in the
mornings, which is likely, make a daily routine to do the dusting and cleaning once you
are home. A clean home will automatically lift your spirits after a long day.
5. Spend time with plants : If you have an open space in your home, a terrace or a
balcony, consider getting some plants to fill the space. A bit of green in the house is
always good for your health. If you love organic vegetables, you can grow it yourself.
Plants like tomato and aloe vera can be grown in a flowerpot, along with ornamental
ones such as bonsai. Spending some time in your green patch will boost your spirits and
get you ready to face the next day.