They say gay sex is illegal. What do you say?
I remember that vividly; the day when my childhood friend called me in panic and informed me that his cousin brother was “homo.”
“I have beaten him,” he announced, “with my leather belt!”
And then he continued talking “I made him promise that he
will from now on only fall for girls! But what should I do now? Take him to a
doctor, perhaps?’
I sat there, on the other end of the phone, completely numb,
and said nothing for several minutes. I felt ashamed, and then sad, in that
order; or perhaps altogether. I didn’t waste my time by explaining my take on
the matter and advised him to go about his own way. See, human mind is like a watermelon,
and changing an opinion installed in the mind is like trying to slice the
watermelon with a needle. It can scratch the surface quite a few times but
can’t penetrate the pulp.
Criminalizing gay sex is most definitely going to soothe
him- my friend- and I am sure he is thanking Supreme Court for retaining the
law. And, what scares me the most is that he isn’t alone, not even close by a
light-year. When I see a stream of Facebook posts, and Twitts, and blog posts
going gaga over the unfairness of the verdict, I also see people who are
welcoming it. Sadly, my friends, they are higher in number. And tell me
honestly, did you expect anything of contrary? I never expected anything else
because I have stopped living in a world where justice is a reality. I expected
nothing else but this from the Supreme Court of this country. Predetermined
ideas is all they have got other than the power to shape up our society, or
whatever you call this system of living that permits only the ideas that their
narrow minds can fathom. Everything else is illegal or unnatural.
Unnatural- what a funny little word it is; nine letters to
comprehend the idea of everything beyond the border of understanding. Funny
thing is, we are the ones who decide what’s unnatural when we are only a
minuscule part of it. How much of nature do we understand, really, to know
which exception is unnatural? I sometimes wonder if “unnatural” should even be
a word or not! Just think about it, how anything under the watch of nature can
be unnatural? Every bit of fabric that builds us, and the surroundings, is
derived from nature. Exceptions are supposed to prove the rule, don’t they? When
did they become unnatural; and illegal on a later stage?
So, as I went through the comments of people like my
childhood friend, there are few ideas that caught my attention. There are
thousands of them but all that can be stripped down to two: first,
homosexuality is a foreign culture and we are better off it, and second, it’s
completely against the will of nature. I don’t believe nature takes time off
its busy schedule of turning the globe and call these people to discuss its
will. So, I wonder, how do they have these deep insights into the ways-of-nature?
Then there is the trouble of the ignorance of people who are
in favor of homosexuality- gay sex and marriage. I cannot correct them when
they are trying to defend the same idea that I carry. Some of them say that
it’s a choice of lifestyle, and some believe that it’s a way of compatibility.
Well, I can go with the compatibility thingy to a vague extend, but “lifestyle”
shouldn’t be your keyword. Simply because homosexuality isn’t a way of living
but it’s a way of nature, an exception like any other that lingers within the
chain of regularity. People like you are needed, more in number, to save
humanity, so please learn better about the ideas you stand for. In the end,
only total awareness will help you stand with what you believe in.
To answer few people who have asked me if I will be this
much supportive to my child if she or he turns out to be a homosexual person: I
would prefer it otherwise- the thousands of years of “culture” flows into me
too- but I won’t be unsupportive. And, hopefully, I won’t have to see that day
because I am not bringing a child into this world where people like you exist. I
believe that the day man tries to control human rights with law; that's the day
humanity comes to an end! I will stand with my idea and tell you people, who,
in last nine hours, have called me “gay leader,” “as gay as a sunny day,”
“homo,” and so on and on and on, that these callings are not insults. This only
shows how much ignorant you all are because calling me gay isn’t an insult, its
just wrong information. There’s nothing insulting about being homosexual.
There’s only one thing that I pray for and that is for the
future generation to be different. I know that chances are dim but that’s all
there is to hold on to. And for the lawmakers: you couldn’t stop hideous crimes
like rape or murder with law; and so you can be sure as fuck that you won’t be
stopping love with it.